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Keith Graham- President- Regulatory Technology Services- Nuclear Energy Industry

Character Genetics integrated character and leadership development process is phenomenal; a Level 10-10 experience. Randy Bixby and the Character Genetics program enable me to move to new levels of personal and professional integrity traits. The experiential learning tools and techniques have helped me to reveal who I am, decide my purpose in life, calibrate my metrics for success, and master the goal setting process. Randy's skills and techniques for knowledge transfer led me to also select him for periodic personal and business coaching services; he also led the startup of a Mastermind group for Seven Mountain tribe members that I formed, in addition to advising me in Cultural Transformation strategies. Randy's interactive techniques as a speaker, in his own programs, and in his coaching processes are focused on results and transform lives. Randy is helping us master our personal, sphere, positional, and cultural authority based on our unique passions and skill sets. The world is looking for solutions to problems; working with Randy we are creating the solutions that are needed. The Reveal weekend event is a great way to get connected with Randy and the Character Genetics programs.