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Lance Thompson

Lance Thompson

Randy Bixby and his Character Genetics training has given our congregation a tremendous tool for self awareness, responsibility and faith that is helping people advance in authentic authority. Randy's equipping has moved us forward in the Kingdom mandate that Jesus gave the church.
Simply put, the three levels of training that Character Genetics has to offer has dramatically changed my life. I am better disciplined and more focused than ever before. Everything from my personal to professional life is going to the next level. I have had a dream for years to write a book and I am just a couple of months away from realizing that dream. During the Respond workshop I was able to write the first draft of a 55,000 word, 12 chapter book in 90 days! If you want accelerated, measurable results the Character Genetics transformative leadership systems are for you.
Character Genetics and Randy Bixby bring the key to opening up the potential that God has already created within us. Self-awareness and authenticity are the two key ingredients that cause convergence in our lives. Randy has a unique way of unlocking and exploring these key ingredients. If you like being mediocre, then Character Genetics is not for you.
Sunday, 21 September 2014 00:00

Feature - Limitless


Uncover what’s really stopping you and discover your limitless potential.
Friday, 05 September 2014 00:00

Limitless TM

A 3 - hour Workshop Experience and overview of all three Advanced Workshops from Character Genetics


Imagine a world inside your mind that has no limits on what you could do? No limit to the love you experience, the impact you make, the wealth you create, and the satisfaction that comes as a result! The dreams you have seen are now within reach and your goals are achievable. The fear of "what if" or the thoughts of "not good enough" turn into "no matter what" and "more than enough" possibilities you can't wait to make happen. Imagine living your life in the real world without the limits that you've placed on yourself. What would living life limitless look like for you?

After years of coaching individuals, leaders, and professionals, I've found several self-limiting mindsets common to human nature that are crushing the dreams of good people... and most people have no idea that their own thinking is the problem. Change our thinking, and we will change our results! But how? What specific mindsets are limiting me? How do I discover them? How do I change them? What do I do to create permanent shifts and lasting change?

I invite you to live life limitless!

Limitless™ is a 9-hour fun, insightful and thought provoking, dream realization workshop designed to empower you with tools you can use to live the rest of your life beyond the limits you've unknowingly set for yourself. Live in the "what is possible" instead of the "what is impossible"! Be the powerful, authentic, and unique creation that the world needs you to be! Start your journey with Character Genetics

In the Limitless™ Workshop you will experience the Inducer Transformation System, a system of tools and activities that will produce accelerated, measurable, sustainable change in all areas of your life. You will experience learning modules from each of the three advanced Leadership Workshops- Reveal, Respond and Resolve offered by Character Genetics. In addition to launching your life and thinking into new RESULTS, Limitless™ is a powerful introduction to our advanced workshops. We also realize many people want to "know what we are all about" before taking the next step into coaching or the advanced workshop series offered through Character Genetics and Limitless™ does just that.

Is Limitless for the executive or entrepreneur? The businessperson or the non-profit leader? Is this for college students or retired adults in transition? Is this for stay at home moms, blue collar or white collar workers? Is Limitless™ for someone who's already attended a workshop from Character Genetics? YES! This is for the person who has a passion and commitment to live life Limitless™

This is your life, This is your time. Don't be the one standing in your own way!

Join us at our next Limitless Workshop, Register today!

Workshop Details:

Saturday 9am-12pm-   7pm-10pm  weekdays

What you will experience:

The Governmantle™ you will learn the mastery of governing self, sphere and culture resulting in maximum life imprint.

The Inducer Transformation System™ The Character Genetics core protocols for creating accelerated, measurable, sustainable change!

Get "unstuck" and start dreaming again!

Discover the thinking that is limiting you and Grow is Self Awareness with the CG Personal Investigator Tool

Increase your Energy and Focus to take life on limitless!

Work / Life Integration- tools to support you in establishing and keeping your priorities.

Powerful Goal Setting- learn how to set powerful goals using the T.A.R.G.E.T. tool!

Grow in Personal Responsibility, the power of Choice and HOPE!

Problem Solving- Learn the most effective approach to solving problems.

Experience the Six Secrets of Legacy Leadership- What great leaders know and practice to live a lasting legacy.
Saturday, 16 August 2014 00:00

Kingdom Insights Article


Early this year I heard the Lord say to me, “Randy, I’m going to grow you bigger than your obstacles.” That was a welcome word as I found myself five years into establishing Kingdom House of Prayer and feeling stuck, like a failure, unable to consistently move the mission forward. Perhaps you can relate. Have you ever found yourself feeling powerless, tired and inadequate in the pursuit of your dreams? Maybe even depressed or despairing over what seems to be unreachable in spite of your very best efforts… stalled in the face of giant obstacles. You may be in a similar place like many in the body of Christ. I hope my journey can encourage you.

While I had trained my brain and confession to be, “God is good, He will come through, everything happens for a reason, things are about to change, God’s working on me, I will persevere and this house will be established…” I was unaware that my heart believed something else and that belief was sabotaging my success.

pdfClick Here to Download Full Kingdom Insights Feature Article3.25 MB

Saturday, 09 August 2014 00:00


Three Words: Revealing Qualities, Positive
Most Important Takeaway: I was able to identify many relief systems in my life besides trust issues. Listening to others opened my mind and heart to greater truths.
What Was Discovered By Playing Detective: I have the tools to work on my initial reactions "feelings" that don't always live up in a positive direction.
What Changed: I am much more aware of areas in my heart that need tending to and I have to tools to go to work- daily basis.
Saturday, 09 August 2014 00:00


Three Words: Personal Empowering Encouraging
Most Important Takeaway: How our "core beliefs" drive our success or failure and how to overcome them.
What Was Discovered By Playing Detective: What may "seem" evident isn't always the truth. It helps up to overcome our failure by revealing them in bite-size pieces.
What Changed: How to reach my full potential-for God and my family!
Testimony: I feel retooled and empowered to truly impact my workplace and more importantly, my family. I need to able able to leave financial legacy for my 2 boys and now I feel much closer in achieving that goal.
Saturday, 09 August 2014 00:00


Three Words: Revealing Provoking Insightful
Most Important Takeaway: Being able to really get whats going on inside of me.
What Was Discovered By Playing Detective: I have been in rebellion at my job- was fortunate to have 30 day head start and have watched my attitude turn around.
What Changed: Learning to be a much better listener.
Testimony: My job has already been impacted once I got my rebellion out of the way.
Saturday, 09 August 2014 00:00


Three Words: Life Empowering Change
Most Important Takeaway: The choices I make= my results!
What Was Discovered By Playing Detective: I still have some hurts that I thought were healed. I have settled by the choices I made.
What changed: I will choose to live everyday like it's my last. My life (My job, my church) will be effected by how I show up.
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    Character Genetics is an insightful and interactive character and leadership development company like you have never experienced before! Through experiential workshops, coaching and resources we equip leaders to create accelerated, measurable, sustainable change... FAST!


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